
We promote the concept of project alliance.
We raise awareness and promote good practices in the construction industry.
We organize IPD-related (integrated project delivery) trainings and conferences.
We publish scientific papers and studies within the area of construction law, technology and related fields.

IPD - Integrated Project Delivery

The process of integrated project delivery presumes an integration of key stakeholders’ expertise for the duration of the project. What is project alliance and what kind of innovation stands behind this approach?


Are you lost in the impenetrable maze of IPD abbreviations and terms? You have no idea what project alliance is? No worries! A team of SUSP experts has prepared a special glossary for you! The glossary will help you understand even the most difficult issues.


Are you looking to develop and raise your professional skills? Check the place and time of the next conferences, courses or seminars recommended by SUSP.

Stowarzyszenie Uczestników Sojuszy Projektowych
Plac Defilad 1 lok. 825
00-901 Warszawa
e-mail: biuro@susp.pl