
3-Limb model

Three-limb compensation system for payments to Participants


Actual Outturn Cost compared to TOC in order to determine savings or cost overruns


A joint body managing Project Alliance (Alliance Leadership Team)


A decision making standard according to which decisions are measured against shared goals
/objectives regarding what’s best for the project vs individual stakeholder outcomes.

Big room

Space where all stakeholders /team members may work together. A common space may support communication and dialogue, which leads to greater efficiency. The results of work are updated in real time – as a result there are fewer revisions and modifications. There are different configurations, durations and manners of using the Big Room.


Cross-Functional Working Team

„iPAA” interim Project Alliance Agreement

Interim Project Alliance Agreement. Once the basic parameters are agreed, the participants conclude an interim agreement

IPD (Integrated Project Delivery)

The integrated project delivery (IPD) process presumes an integration of key stakeholders’ expertise for the duration of the project.


Key performance indicators


Non-cost key result areas


Last Planner System. A planning / scheduling system based on the cooperation and commitment of all participants. LPS integrates “pull” planning, “make-ready look-ahead” planning, planning with constraint analysis, weekly work planning based on credible assumptions, and drawing conclusions based on PPC analysis and the causes of deviation.


Limb under the three-limb compensation model based on the 100% open-book principle

MacLeamy Curve

The MacLeamy curve is a graph of the cost of decisions on the timeline of a construction project. It presents the idea of ​​making design decisions as early as possible, when the possibility of impacting on positive results is maximized and the costs of modifications are minimized.

„no blame culture”

The idea of “no blame” is based on a positive belief that each participant wants to do their job as best as they can. Therefore, the participant does not want to do their job in a wrong manner intentionally or colloquially speaking “just be done with it”.


Non-owner participant

Open book

A common usage term for the owners of contractual rights who have to review and audit the

financial records of contractors implementing the project.


Overall Performance Score


The term usually refers to a person or an organization that owns a civil structure, investment. In Polish, the terms “Investor” or “Employer” may be used alternatively.


Project Alliance Agreement


A joint body managing Project Alliance – the Project Alliance Board


The main group of team members involved in the project and responsible for its implementation from its commencement to completion


Project Delivery Phase


Percent Plan Complete. A basic measure of the effectiveness of a planning system, calculated as the number of commitments implemented during a determined period divided by the total number of commitments implemented during the determined period. It measures the percentage of tasks that are 100% completed as planned.


Project Implementation Phase

Project Alliance

There is no fixed definition of project alliance. Briefly, the idea of project alliance is based on the collaboration of participants

and risk sharing.

Project Management Team

A joint body managing Project Alliance – the Alliance managing team

Senior Management Team

A joint body managing Project Alliance – the Alliance managing Board


Target Outturn Cost. At the iPAA stage, the participants determine the Target Cost for the project. The compensation model is based on TOC. 


Weekly Work Plan. Reports that verify the level of performance of obligations, specifying the assumed completion of tasks, agreed by the project team. WWP is used to indicate the success of planning activities and to determine which factors are limiting performance. It also constitutes the basis of PPC measurement.

Stowarzyszenie Uczestników Sojuszy Projektowych
Plac Defilad 1 lok. 825
00-901 Warszawa
e-mail: biuro@susp.pl